Baby Be Mine by Paige Toon

Title: Baby Be mine (sequel to Johnny be Good)

Author: Paige Toon

First Published: 2011

Recommended for: romance fans, chick-lit readers, casual/light read

Date Read: 7-8th Nov 2012

Rating: 4/5

I think I did love this book. I couldn’t put it down as there was more drama, tension and very sweet and cute scenes. Despite it having an obvious plot and being able to guess most of the storyline I still couldn’t put it down! I loved that the characters have grown more in this book. Meg is a lot stronger and confident, she knows whats good and bad for her and nearly always makes the right decision. Johnny also grows up, takes responsibility and sorts himself out (although that doesn’t really happen until the end). The characters were finally given more depth. However, I still would of liked to have seen some things from Johnny’s perspective, to feel more connected to his character and give him more depth.

I felt that this novel was very similar to the first one as there was a lot of recycled emotions due to the similar situations characters found themselves in. Although I do like how it is realistic in how Meg and Johnny’s relationship progresses, and she doesn’t just give into him, and let herself be pushed around, she makes sure Johnny knows what she needs and wants and he eventually cleans himself up. She doesn’t just give in to a druggie/alcoholic and go on a downward spiral again with him.

Again, you never get bored during the book and I looked forward to all the cute scenes between Johnny, Barney and Meg, and I enjoyed the sexual tension between Johnny and Meg again. Although again, the story did move a little slow and I think a few more short and sweet romantic scenes were needed between Meg and Johnny, however not having too many of these kept you reading as you couldn’t wait for the next one.

I did like the conclusion, even though it is predictable, although I wasn’t fully satisfied. I think that it was wrapped up a little quickly, like in The Hunger Games, and could of used another chapter or two. But, I still loved the book. I think the main thing I loved was the idea of Johnny and Meg being a family. I love the main characters becoming a family which is really the only reason why I enjoyed Breaking Dawn from the Twilight series so much. I love all the cute family scenes in this book as well!

Anyway, as you can tell I did enjoy the book and am obviously a bit of a chick-lit fan, and I think Paige Toon is making her way up on my list of fave chick-lit authors!


Johnny Be Good by Paige Toon

Title: Johnny Be Good

Author: Paige Toon

First Published: Oct 2008

Recommended for: romance/drama fans, people who like a ‘light’ or quick read

Date Read: 8th Nov 2012

Rating: 4/5

I felt I didn’t necessarily love this book, but I did really like it and became obsessed with the story (read it in only a few hours)! The reason I didn’t love it is probably because, yes it is a bit of a light read and therefore I didn’t really get to experience what the characters were feeling, like I have in previous books; almost experience the novel vicariously through them. However, the writing was pretty good and there was never a moment I was bored, although the storyline was a little slow and I would of liked a few more heated, romance scenes between the 2 main characters.

I did also love the characters, for some reason I fins British characters a lot more likeable than other characters. I did love the main character and felt her thoughts and emotions were relatable, and her best friend Kitty, an Alice -Cullen-like character, was a nice supporting character to bring a bit more fun into the novel. I did get annoyed at Johnny’s mood swings, I guess you could say, how he and Meg (the protagonist) were best buddies one minute, then he completely ignores her again, but Johnny’s one of those characters you have a love/hate feel towards.  It also would of been nice to have a bit more depth into the characters. I would of liked to know and feel more about them.

One thing I nearly forgot, I just have to compliment the author on getting straight into the story! I hate when it takes nearly 10 chapters until something starts happening! The author gets straight into it so you’re intrigued from the start!

The ending was a bit of a crap cliffhanger, and you kind of know the answer to it, but luckily there is a sequel and I didn’t have to start hating the author while waiting for it’s releases because it’s already out!

I really did thoroughly enjoy this book and am planning on reading more books by Paige Toon by the pool this summer!