Switched by Amanda Hocking

Title: Switched (Trylle #1)

Author: Amanda Hocking

First published: July 12th 2010

Recommended for: female teens who like romance & paranormal/supernatural

Date read: Dec 31-1st Jan 2013

Rating: 4.5/5

I was so intrigued as soon as I read the blurb, and the actual novel didn’t disappoint! Firstly, I must point out I didn’t get annoyed with the main character, Wendy. She didn’t make stupid decisions, didn’t ‘Bella Swan’ over a boy but was tough and actually cared about other people. Of course like many female protagonist’s in YA books today, she was always willing to risk her life for others and didn’t want them to die/get hurt for her.

As with most YA novels today, we know who will end up with who, and this novel of course followed the usual conventions. There wasn’t much focus on the romance, but the scenes that were focused on romance were sweet yet passionate. I loved them! I must also note that I saw a lot of similarities to Twilight in description of the two main characters, Wendy & Finn. In fact, not only in their physical appearance but how they initially viewed each other and how their feelings or relationship progressed; they tried to ignore each other and the attraction, then they basically just had to give in but couldn’t be together for some reason.

One thing I must say is I loved the story as a whole. I love how it was about trolls, even though I was a bit unsure of that at first, it’s great to move out of the whole vampires & werewolf stories and see something new. Also is that it was a new take on trolls or trylle and their world. They weren’t the normal ugly, under-the-bridge trolls but looked like humans but having different abilities and qualities.

Anyway, I obviously loved this book, I think because it was so refreshing as it was something different, and will be on my way to the shops to buy the next one asap!

p.s Happy New Year!

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